
PLEASE NOTE: Nutritional supplements are not a treatment, nor a cure for chronic diseases or cancer; they are used along with a healthy lifestyle to promote health. Do not attempt to self-treat or diagnose.

In this page, I have uploaded very few of our products. For a complete list of our products, please download our Product Catalogue here:


1. What is Spirulina?
- Spirulina is a single Cell, Blue-Green Algae from Alkaline Water. It’s the first “Photosynthesis” Cell developed on Earth.
1960 - Scientists started studying about its Nutrients.
1974 - FAO approved it as “Best Nutritious Food for Future.”
1981 - USFDA approved it as “Best Supplementary Food”
1981 - WGIFE (West Germany International Food Exposition) approved it as “Best Natural Food”

2. What does Spirulina contain?
It’s a best composition of all the Nutrients required by our body like Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Fatty acids & Carbohydrate.
- Low calorie; Low fat; High Energy Food Supplement.
- Protein - 14 times higher than Milk
- 6 times higher than Eggs
- 3 times higher than Cereals
- Vitamin E - 3 times higher than Wheat Germs
- Vitamin A - 25 times higher than Carrots
- Organic Iron - 8 times higher than Spinach
- Chlorophyll - 5 to 30 times higher than Alfa-Alfa grass.
- GLA (Gamma Lanolinic Acid ) - 25 % of total fatty acids which dissolves fat in the blood,

3. What is the role of Spirulina?
- Fulfills the Nutritional deficiency of our Body.
- Increases Oxygen carrying capacity of Lungs.
- Improves Digestion of Food & Absorption of Nutrients.
- Removes the Metabolic waste of body through Detoxification and Cleansing.
- Improves the joint movement in case of Arthritis.
- Helps in aging problems like…
- Weakness - Skin Dryness - Reducing Memory - Poor Eye Sight etc.
- It helps to improve the diseased conditions which are developed due to Nutritional deficiency and Toxin deposition like… - Anemia (Deficiency of Hemoglobin) - Diabetes - Obesity - Hyper Acidity - Ulcers - Fatigue - Stress - Heart ailment - Skin disorders - Malnutrition - Aging


1. What is Noni?
Native to Polynesia, the noni plant (also known as Indian mulberry) is a small tree that usually grows to a height of ten feet. The fruit, which starts out green and turns yellow, is used medicinally. Being a kind of evergreen plant, NONI can bloom all the year around.

2. What does noni contain?
• It contains a kind of special ingredient called Proxeronine, which can be absorbed in the intestines and translated into xeronine.
• It contains scopoletin, magnesium and sterols as well as different kinds of anti-oxidization ingredients.
• It contains multiple acesodyne ingredients and limonene.
• It contains asperloside as well as multiple vitamins and minerals.
• It contains the ammonia fennel-p-benzoquinone that can directly or indirectly heal eczema and other skin diseases.
• It contains many kinds of antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-yeast ingredients that enable the STD patients a speedy recovery.
• With more than a hundred of the organic and inorganic ingredients, NONI is an extremely nutritious fruit and an all-inclusive nutritious supplement.

3. What is the role of Noni?
• With the miraculous functions in promoting the regeneration of cells and the double-way immune regulating, it is considered as one of the most valuable health care products at present.
• It can effectively reduce the blood pressure, regulate the cardiac rhythm, decrease the angina pectoris and release the muscle convulsion, control the discomfort of the cardiovascular and depress the cholesterol to prevent from the arteriosclerosis.
• The Scopoletin has the functions in antihistamines, and can prevent the allergic symptoms such as skin rashes, asthma and hay fever.
• Containing the effective ingredients of antibacterial and anti-virus, it can enhance the immunity and prevent from the cold and flu.
• NONI is a natural dystuff, able to deepen the color of the hair, strengthen the light and color sensitization of the retina, enhance the eyesight, reduce the occurrence of cataract, favorable for the prevention from glaucoma.
• The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics of NONI can reduce the occurrence of nephritis and hepatitis.
• The multiple acesodyne ingredients of NONI have strong painkilling capacity. • The scopoletin, asperloside and proxeronine as well as multiple vitamins and minerals can release the blood vessels, eliminate edema and diminish inflammation, migrate and prevent from the occurrence of lower varicose veins.
• NONI can migrate the disorder thoughts, delay the aging and prevent from Alzheimer's disease.
• NONI can provide antioxidant and proxeronine to activate protein and enzyme, remove the free radicals, reducing joint inflammation and pain.
• NONI can activate pineal gland, promote the normalized endocrine system; it can also strengthen the urinary system and procreation system; effectively prevents from prostatitis.
• NONI can promote the regeneration of the normal cells; its xeronine can activate the cells, repair the damaged cells, and reduce the discomforts caused due to any chemical therapy.
• NONI can improve the absorption of blood sugar beneficial for the diabetes patients.
• NONI can produce abundant melatonin and activate all kinds of glands.


Glucosamine is the main building block for semi-fluids that lubricate the joints. Glucosamine is VLUCOSAMINOGLYCAN (GAG), a component of all human tissues, especially high in concentration in the cartilages.

GAG's are a long chain of amino acids that are found in high concentration in Sea Shells. It is naturally synthesized by addition of an amino group to clucose, followed by acetylation. Its main contents are glucose, glutamine & sulphur.

Glucosamine is an essential component for the body's synthesis of lubricants and shock absorbing mechanisms necessary to maintain & restore healthy joint performance.

Glucosamine is often combined with Chondroitin, a molecule naturally present in cartilage. Chondroitin gives cartilage elasticity and is believed to prevent the destruction of cartilage by enzymes. Glucosamine and Chondroitin, combined are proven to act beneficially in case of osteoarthritis, because of their ability to aid the repair of cartilages and prevent further damage.

Benefits of Vestige Glucosamine
Helps build new cartilage & protects the existing cartilage.
Helps the body to repair damaged & eroded cartilage.
Lubricates joints and stimulates synovial fluid production
Provides analgesic & anti-inflammatory effect
Helps in Osteoarthritis.